Who We Are

All About Us

The Past

What started as a side-gig to help family members has grown into a full featured web development agency. The first site we ever made was for the family wrestling club, and was made using plain HTML and Adobe Flash. Why? Well, the animations possible between page changes lured us into the lovely idea that is a beautifully built website.

From there we built small client sites while working on startups that never seemed to go anywhere but taught us a ton about building scalable, fully featured web applications.

We've created our own Content Management System backend in the process, complete with pages, posts, an ecommerce store (products, payment methods, cart, checkout), user accounts, seo settings, etc. Everything you would need to fully manage your website and more.

On the front end, we developed ready to use social media type features like, user profiles, direct messaging, account settings, privacy settings, and the like.

The Present

With over a decade of industry experience developing websites with the Yii PHP Framework, Wordpress, Magento, BigCommerce, Shopify, Kentico, and more, we create beautiful websites from start to finish, employing all of the different modern web technologies.

The Future

No one knows what the future holds for sure, but it's bound to be one to remember. Javascript frameworks keep getting released, new design concepts are being normalized, it's up to us to stay on trend and keep yearning for more information on the ever evolving landscape that is Web Development.

Is AI a problem for us? We don't think so, if anything it will enhance our day to day. But for us, there will never be an AI that can give you a custom built solution that fits your exact needs, with your exact specifications, in your website's exact environment. That's on us. We take that job seriously, and gleefully meet the challenge at its doorstep.